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SPELL JARS *Made to order

SPELL JARS *Made to order

Types of Spells:
* Protection (home, self, family) 
* Love (self/couples)
* Banishment (examples are Depression and anxiety, addiction, spirit, negativity, and more)
* Health, Healing
* Clarity 
* Motivation, Focus, Strength 
* Fertility 
* Abundance 
* Happiness 
* Binding
* Freezing (requires use of a freezer)
* Good Luck 
* Friendship 
Types of Spells can be combined
Pricing for Jars start at:
Mini: $25
Mini Necklace: $45
Small: $45
Medium: $65
Large: $85
Custom: $35+

Spell Kit (All the ingredients needed for DIY): Determined upon consultation. 
ALL spells are made to order. This way the spell is specifically designed for you and/or anyone you are purchasing for.
NO Hexes will be provided.
Pricing is determined upon consultation.

*DIY Kits - you will be provided with everything you need for the intention of your request.  Making it easier to make your own spell and set your intentions when you're ready to do so. Instructions will be provided with your order along with Moon Phases and what/when is best to do your spell: starting at $10
MOST Spells/Spell Jars can have combined purposes,  so long as they are clear and don't conflict with intentions. Additional fees will be applied. 
Contact us to determine which Spell(s) are right for you. Spells can make a perfect gift! Please make sure the recipient is open to this and/or knowledgeable of the spell made for them. 
Custom made Sigils will be provided with each spell. 
1. Custom made 'Banishing, Protection,  & Good Health' Spell Jar.
2. Good Health, Abundance,  Luck
2.5 Self Love 
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